The Verindon Conspiracy
ISBN: 9781761110757
Publication Date: May 2022
Author: Lynne Stringer
Part of the Verindon Series
Misilina has finished her training at the Academy on Verindon and hopes to prove that she’s as good an agent as her father, Keridan.
However, her first assignment is guarding Lord Jolan—her childhood tormentor and the son of Overlord Ardon—who is making a planetary visit to Darsair with his bride-to-be, Mandine, to help the Darsairian government improve conditions for the mine workers.
But when the miners stage an uprising and attempt to kill Jolan, can Misilina and her fellow agents keep Jolan and Mandine alive?
I have read the Verindon trilogy. I thoroughly enjoyed these books. So when The Conspiracy came out of course I had to have it. During the time I have read it. I have been late for work twice and finally finished it today. If you have read the trilogy you just have to read Conspiracy. The plot twist at the end is excellent.
Darlene B
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