Tales from the Top End: The First Three Years

ISBN: 978-1-7636328-0-6
Publication Date:
August 2024
Stefanie Mainey

From the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, to working as houseparents at a remote college for Indigenous teens, to other adventures, seven years in the Northern Territory forever changed who Stefanie and Philip Mainey thought they were.

Stef shares, with humour and compassion, the story of the exploits of a group of 28 young women from remote Territorian communities who were determined to give Stef and Phil the adventure of a lifetime, whether they wanted it or not!

It is hard to explain to someone who hasn't lived in remote Northern Australia, what life is like. And for those of us who have worked with the most vulnerable people in remote Australia, the task of somehow describing that experience moves from hard to impossible. Stef has achieved something special in this book. She has captured the essence of life in remote Aboriginal Australia that sees beyond the darkness and provide an insight into the innocent beauty and raw simplicity.

Andrew Bedwell, former NT Detective Sergeant for 18 years

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An authentic and honest account of life in the more remote regions of the Northern Territory. Stefanie's story is told and lived out with humility and a gritty realness that shows the struggle and costly nature of laying down your life to God in obedience, while crossing cultures in your own nation.

Jennifer Keatch, Youth With A Mission (YWAM), Darwin, NT


As I eagerly turned the pages of this book, I found myself wondering how I would have handled the job they had taken on, and to tell you the truth, I don't know if I would have endured for three years like they did. Their story is a testimony and encouragement to us to persevere.

Cindy McGarvie, National Director of Youth for Christ, Australia and author of Lost Boys: Bring Them Home.

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