ISBN: 9780958552394
Publication Date:
June 2016
Zoran Paunovich

Zoran Paunovich offers insightful teaching on how to understand and interpret dreams. His natural and often humorous approach to this intriguing subject is both engaging and thought provoking.

In Your Dreams presents:

• Is there a purpose to our dreams or are they non-essential meanderings of the mind?

• The five keys to unlocking the meaning to your dreams

• Common dream symbols

• Understanding recurring dreams

• The difference between speculation and revelation in dreams

• The significance of nightmares

I have known Zoran since 1985, and in this have time seen his ministry, particularly his prophetic gift, grow and develop. In this book Zoran is quick to clarify it is the Holy Spirit who gives the interpretation to dreams, and he does not pretend he is any sort of psychic guru. The central theme of all Zoran does is the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ – that He has the interpretation of spiritual dreams, and it is by His Holy Spirit and His Word that we will understand what they mean.

Pastor Nick Resce

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