Love, Tears & Autism
ISBN: 978-0-9944975-8-1
Publication Date: 2012
Author: Cecily Paterson
An award-winning, best-selling Australian book for parents and friends of children living with Autism Spectrum Disorder, other neurodiverse conditions or disability. When Cecily Paterson's son was diagnosed with ASD she couldn't find the right book to read to give her practical help, emotional support and spiritual solace, so she wrote it.
An honest, ‘real life’ story where God's grace shines through.
Third prize winner in the 2012 Australian Christian Book of the Year (ACBOY) awards. Originally published in 2012, this second edition was revised in 2020 and updated with a 'Where we are now' chapter.
“I have just finished reading your book. To be honest, I want to write something but I have no words. Except, wow. I teared up so many times as I recognized some of the challenges. Thanks for your raw honesty, and authenticity, it's so needed for Christians today if we want to be taken seriously. Thanks for the resources at the end of the book.”
-Letter from a recent reader
Cecily bears testimony to the fact that learning love and letting go of being the one in control is not easy. However, depending on God the author of love who is in control, is the only path that offers true hope. As a mother of a son with autism this book offered to me enormous encouragement and comfort. It reduced my feelings of isolation as I drew parallels with my own experience. Cecily's account is honest; neither does she hold back on the nitty gritty details nor the ugly thoughts that rise up in our hearts. As Cecily examines these feelings she gives us great insight into her God-given lessons in learning love. This is a book I will keep reading in the years to come."
Kate Hurley, author of Take heart - For families living with disability, 2009 Blue Bottle Press
“I enjoyed reading this, not because I have an autistic child, but just as an autobiographical sort of read. It had some good points I could walk away with to make sure I'm a better person and a better mother.view goes here.”
- Deniece, Amazon Reader